Version Ultimate | NEO GEO CD

cube_256 version
3 count bout (1995)
2020 super baseball (1995)
aero fighters 2 (1994)
aero fighters 3 (1995)
aggressors of dark kombat (1995)
alpha mission ii (1994)
art of fighting (1994)
art of fighting 2 (1994)
art of fighting 3 - path of the warrior (1996)
bakumatsu roman daini maku - gekka no kenshi - tsuki ni saku hana, chiri yuku hana (1999)
baseball stars 2 (1994)
baseball stars professional (1995)
breakers (1997)
burning fight (1994)
bust-a-move (1995)
choutetsu brikin'ger (1996)
crossed swords (1994)
crossed swords ii (1995)
cyber-lip (1995)
double dragon (1995)
fatal fury - the battle of fury (1994)
fatal fury 2 (1994)
fatal fury 3 - road to the final victory (1995)
fatal fury special (1994)
football frenzy (1994)
futsal - 5 on 5 mini soccer (1996)
galaxy fight - universal warriors (1995)
ghost pilots (1995)
karnov's revenge (1994)
king of fighters '94, the (1994)
king of fighters '95, the (1995)
king of fighters '96, the (1996)
king of fighters '97, the (1997)
king of fighters '98, the - the slugfest (1998)
king of fighters '99, the - millennium battle (1999)
king of the monsters 2 (1994)
last blade, the (1998)
last resort (1994)
league bowling (1994)
magician lord (1994)
metal slug (1996)
metal slug 2 (1998)
mutation nation (1995)
nam-1975 (1994)
neo driftout (1996)
neo turf masters (1996)
ninja combat (1994)
ninja commando (1994)
ninja master's - haou ninpou-chou (1996)
overtop (1996)
power spikes ii (1995)
pulstar (1995)
rally chase (1994)
real bout fatal fury (1996)
real bout fatal fury 2 - the newcomers (1998)
real bout fatal fury special (1997)
riding hero (1995)
robo army (1995)
samurai shodown (1994)
samurai shodown ii (1994)
samurai shodown iii (1995)
samurai shodown iv - amakusa's revenge (1996)
savage reign (1995)
sengoku (1995)
sengoku 2 (1995)
soccer brawl (1995)
stakes winner - gi kanzen seiha heno machi (1996)
street hoop (1995)
super sidekicks (1995)
super sidekicks 2 (1994)
super sidekicks 3 - the next glory (1995)
super spy, the (1994)
tengai makyou shinden - far east of eden (1995)
top hunter - roddy & cathy (1994)
top player's golf (1994)
viewpoint (1995)
voltage fighter gowcaizer (1995)
windjammers (1995)
world heroes (1995)
world heroes 2 (1995)
world heroes perfect (1995)
3 count bout (1995)
2020 super baseball (1995)
aero fighters 2 (1994)
aero fighters 3 (1995)
aggressors of dark kombat (1995)
alpha mission ii (1994)
art of fighting (1994)
art of fighting 2 (1994)
art of fighting 3 - path of the warrior (1996)
bakumatsu roman daini maku - gekka no kenshi - tsuki ni saku hana, chiri yuku hana (1999)
baseball stars 2 (1994)
baseball stars professional (1995)
breakers (1997)
burning fight (1994)
bust-a-move (1995)
choutetsu brikin'ger (1996)
crossed swords (1994)
crossed swords ii (1995)
cyber-lip (1995)
double dragon (1995)
fatal fury - the battle of fury (1994)
fatal fury 2 (1994)
fatal fury 3 - road to the final victory (1995)
fatal fury special (1994)
football frenzy (1994)
futsal - 5 on 5 mini soccer (1996)
galaxy fight - universal warriors (1995)
ghost pilots (1995)
karnov's revenge (1994)
king of fighters '94, the (1994)
king of fighters '95, the (1995)
king of fighters '96, the (1996)
king of fighters '97, the (1997)
king of fighters '98, the - the slugfest (1998)
king of fighters '99, the - millennium battle (1999)
king of the monsters 2 (1994)
last blade, the (1998)
last resort (1994)
league bowling (1994)
magician lord (1994)
metal slug (1996)
metal slug 2 (1998)
mutation nation (1995)
nam-1975 (1994)
neo driftout (1996)
neo turf masters (1996)
ninja combat (1994)
ninja commando (1994)
ninja master's - haou ninpou-chou (1996)
overtop (1996)
power spikes ii (1995)
pulstar (1995)
rally chase (1994)
real bout fatal fury (1996)
real bout fatal fury 2 - the newcomers (1998)
real bout fatal fury special (1997)
riding hero (1995)
robo army (1995)
samurai shodown (1994)
samurai shodown ii (1994)
samurai shodown iii (1995)
samurai shodown iv - amakusa's revenge (1996)
savage reign (1995)
sengoku (1995)
sengoku 2 (1995)
soccer brawl (1995)
stakes winner - gi kanzen seiha heno machi (1996)
street hoop (1995)
super sidekicks (1995)
super sidekicks 2 (1994)
super sidekicks 3 - the next glory (1995)
super spy, the (1994)
tengai makyou shinden - far east of eden (1995)
top hunter - roddy & cathy (1994)
top player's golf (1994)
viewpoint (1995)
voltage fighter gowcaizer (1995)
windjammers (1995)
world heroes (1995)
world heroes 2 (1995)
world heroes perfect (1995)